Irati Forest, Navarre, Spain. |
The long tradition of orderly historical
record-keeping, inherent in the cultures of the former vassals of the Roman and
Greek empires, has left a detailed and largely intact smorgasbord of wildman
representations throughout Europe, that is found, not only upon the ancient edifices
of our holy houses but also woven into the clannish standards of our noble
families and inculcated into the illustrations of our ancient animaliums. This, in combination with the large literary and
oral history of human encounters with the wodewose, or wildman; means that the
average researcher, spoiled for choice, can choose instead to focus on
individual cases or regional wildman varieties, finding sufficient fodder in
the single as one would in the whole. Within this bygone pantheon, the Basajaun
of the Basque nation (Euskadi) that straddles southwest France and northeast
Spain, is a minor player, but nevertheless important, due to its honorific
title: “Lord of the forest” or “Forest man”, in which its contiguous
affiliation with its semi-mythical continental cousins is confirmed.
in a name? The name, Basa-Juan is a composite
title, combining the Basque words - Baso (forest) and Jaun (man); which, when
united, render the all too familiar habitational title present throughout
crypto-hominology of: “Man of the Woods”,
"Lord of the Woods", or “Forest Man”, etc. It is, in concurrence with other wildman legends, likewise branded
with other appellations throughout the region, such as Anxo, Basandere
(woods-woman), Bebrices, Iretges, Mono careto (ugly ape), Nonell
de la neu (Catalan – Nonell of the snows), Peladits (finger peeler), Tartalo
(Cyclops), Torto, and Yan Del Gel; attesting to its
ethno-known, or at the very least, long folkloric tenure in Basque culture.
Measurements: In the Basque folk tradition the Basajaun
is a mostly peaceful giant that possesses great strength and agility. It is
bipedal, standing 5 – 10 ft. tall, with a large, man-like body that is covered
in long, reddish, or dark brown hair that hangs down to its knees, sometimes
even reaching its feet. The male (Basajaun)
has a beard, the female (Basandere)
does not.
Tracks: Leaves ‘mysterious tracks’ that do not match any known
local species, or; circular tracks shaped like the hooves of a cow.
Behaviours: Legend has it that the Basajaun protects flocks
and warns shepherds of incoming storms or roaming packs of wolves through loud
yells, whistles, and hollers, in return for bread, which it
collects while the shepherds are asleep. It is generally benevolent, but also carries
a large stick or a club and occasionally abducts shepherdesses. Screeches like a cat when angered or
distressed. Reputed in Basque folklore to have taught blacksmithing and
agriculture to men. Wears animal skins.
Diet: Grasses, roots, and game animals.
Habitat: Lives in caves, deep in the woods. Believed to inhabit
the forests of Ataun and Gorea in the Basque region; the Irati jungle in
Navarre; Maladeta Massif, Aragon; and especially the Pyrenees Mountains of France
and Spain.
1774: Engineer, Julien
David Leroy wrote in his work on logging in the mountains of the Pyrenees that,
the pastors of the Iraty Forest region of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and its
neighbouring areas along the border with Spain, claimed that a shaggy-haired Wildman, superficially resembling a
bear, was known to inhabit the region.
Date: Local
folklore holds that long ago, 2
hairy brothers, named Iretges, lived in the woods near Bedeilhac-et-Aynat,
Ariege Dept. France. The brothers wore animal skins and were notorious for
abducting shepherdesses; until one day, the villagers, tired of their
depredations, lured them into a trap and killed them.
1979: Six woodsmen encountered a 6ft. tall ape-man in
a sparsely-populated area in the Pyrenees Mountains of Huesca Province, Spain.
After hearing a scream and squealing nearby, one of the men, Manuel Cazcarra
went off to investigate, only to discover a hairy man-beast, 6 ft. tall,
standing before him. The creature perhaps alarmed by Cazcarra’s sudden
appearance, climbed up a pine tree, where it stayed, clutching a branch with
its arms and legs, and seemingly berating the man with its loud screams. Cazcarra
called the other men, who came running up, one of them, Ramiro López, who was
just in time to see the ape-man climb down from the tree and hide behind a
dense bush, before suddenly launching a hefty tree branch in their direction. The
men decided not to pursue the creature further. The two men who had witnessed
the creature were experienced woodsmen and were familiar with the bears that
inhabit this region and swore categorically that the animal they had seen was
not a bear. One week later, The Guardia Civil (Spanish Police) accompanied by
one of the woodsmen, returned to the area and found ‘mysterious
footprints’. Shortly afterward, a family
driving towards Prats de Molló witnessed an ape-like animal, crossing a road close
to the French border.
1993: A group of cave researchers (Speleologists) decided to spend the
night at a ruined church near Collada de Vallagrasa in the Catalan Pyrenees
Mountains of Spain, when they heard strange noises that sounded something like
those of an enraged cat. Approaching the source of the clamour near the church
door, they were astonished to see a bulky, man-like creature, 5ft. tall and
covered in shaggy hair that appeared to be frightened and agitated. Upon seeing
the group, it fled into the woods. Later,
the same wildman was seen again in the woods between Fargo De Bebie and Ripoll,
1994: A mountain climber named Juan Ramo Ferrer saw an apelike creature, while
hiking from Peña Montañesa to the village of Bielsa close by. The strange
creature, which was shorter than a man and covered with reddish hair, with very
long ape-like arms, jumped from tree to tree and squealed at the terrified
hiker, who fled to a local campsite near Peña Montañesa. According
to Ferrer,
his hirsute harasser, “exuded a musky
Date: Two Wildmen
pounced upon two paleontologists and struggled with them briefly before running
Art and Archaeology:
Cave Art: The
Isturitz and Oxocelhaya caves in the Arberoue Valley in the foothills of
Pyrenees, in Lower Navarre, southwestern France, are a site of Paleolithic
significance and contain the physical, material, and artistic remnants of both
Neanderthal and Homo sapiens societies that have been deposited within their
insides, between 60,000 and 600 BC. In the cave of Isturitz, one can even see a
rupestrian engraving of what appears to be hairy, of a wildman, in profile.
carved bone:
possible representation of the wildman was found in the same cave and features
two hairy hominoids that are not Homo sapiens. One of the hominoids has an
arrow in its leg and links around its neck and leg, possibly indicating that
these creatures were killed by hunters.
Wildmen grew in popularity during the medieval
period, where they are depicted as wild, hair-covered men, upon the architectural
adornments of cathedrals, tapestries, and in the heraldic coats of arms of
prominent European families.
The Wild Man: A
folk tale from the Basque region tells the story of a Basque farmer’s wife with
3 sons and a daughter. Her sons leave home to seek their fortune and become
enslaved by a Basajaun and Basandere (husband and wife) in exchange
for not being eaten, after seeking shelter at their castle, one night. Years
later, their sister, finding out that she had once had three brothers who
disappeared, goes in search of them, and, seeking shelter at the same castle,
also becomes enslaved by the Basajaunak,
who vampirically drains her life force by sucking on her finger. After several
twists and turns, including her brothers becoming oxen for a while, she
threatens to roast the Basandere who
sends her away to find some hazel sticks, and in a characteristically
predictable old-world tale of family misfortune turned unlikely happy ending,
she and her brothers, end up living happily alongside the Basajaun in their castle… This somewhat mediocre tale is too long
to include in full here and ends rather abruptly, yet nevertheless, testifies
to the folkloric antiquity of the Basajaun
and remarkably, is the only case where it is represented with vampiric
Neanderthal: It
is now known that the Iberian Neanderthals persisted around the area of the
Ebro River in the Pyrenees (which encompasses much of the modern Basque region)
until relatively recent times. Do
the hairy portrayals that both Neanderthals and Bajaunak share prove human and
Neanderthal coexistence in the Basque region? Could modern-day reports be those
of a surviving Neanderthal? Sadly, I think not. The average Neanderthal man,
stood at an unimpressive 5 ft. 5 inches tall; which sits right at the lowest
height range for the Basajaun. Furthermore, Neanderthal is now known to have
been skilled in stone tool use, as well as weaving, fire, art, seafaring,
music, and so on; which doesn’t make it a particularly good fit for the modern
wildman type, that eyewitnesses usually describe seeing; but does constitute a
closer fit with the fabled megalithic builder and protector of flocks, that the
folkloric Basajaun was reputed to be.
Migrants: Some
authors have suggested that the Basajaun
myth is a folk memory of early human contact with migrating Neolithic settlers?
These peoples, clad in furs and skins, and accompanied by flocks of
domesticated animals, were megalith builders, who would have brought
agriculture, domesticated animals, and new tools to the region. Indeed, there
is a Basque myth that speaks of Saint Martinico (Martin Txiki) who through
trickery and ingenuity, stole these technologies from the Basajaunak and
imparted them to ‘mankind’.
Ape Species: Could an extant form of ancient ape, like
Paranthropus robustus an extinct australopithecine, from South Africa or
Dryopithecus, an extinct Miocene ape from east Africa and Eurasia, be
responsible for historical encounters with creatures like the Basajaun and other European Wildmen?
Besides their hairy appearance and gracile nature, the Basajaun and other European Wildmen seem to be more man than
‘monkey’, as is evident from their multitudinous depictions, which adorn
European cathedrals and noble heraldry throughout the medieval period.
The god Pan (pictured here with Daphnis) an ancient embodiment of the Wildman? |
Folklore: The European Wildman’s behaviour and
appearance are closely related to and possibly inspired by other mythical
entities of Europe, such as the Satyr, Faun, Ogre, and Leshy; which are
similarly described as shy, forest-dwelling, hair covered beings; who are not
beyond carrying off the occasional maiden, from time to time! One would also be
remiss, to overlook the similarity it bears to the pagan hero, Heracles. This
enigmatic fellow is regularly depicted as a powerful, hair-covered, club-wielding
man, whose recycled origins and myriad names transverse most of pagan history. Therefore,
it could be contended that the image of Heracles (or Hercules) is ingrained upon
the cultural memory of the peoples of Europe and the near east and that the Wildman
is but a watered-down amalgamation of this deified character and that of Pan, (Silvanus)
the ancient Greek god of the wilds, and protector of shepherds flocks, who is
thus represented as a hairy bearded man with the legs of a goat and carrying a
shepherd’s staff.
Note: Some ancient representations of
Balkan shepherds depict bearded men, carrying staffs, and wearing fleece
trousers made from goat’s hair.
Written by Andy McGrath
The Basajaun is an excerpt from Beasts of the World: Hairy Humanoids
Listen to the audiobook here: