The British Big Cat phenomenon is a rather curious add on to cryptozoology, and yet the odd circumstances surrounding it, (the possibility of an unknown population of large predatory cats inhabiting the UK) still make it a subject that is interesting to many researchers. Chiefly, this is because these out of place animals are not meant to be here.
The conditions that ultimately led to their hidden habitation of the British countryside may have even been due to an ill-thought out and poorly implemented piece of government legislation - The Dangerous Wild Animals Act, 1976 - that not only made the conditions under which these animals were now expected to be housed, financially prohibitive, but also did not provide any support for those owners who could no longer afford to keep their animals.
It is now roundly assumed that many owners simply set their animals loose, hoping I suppose, that they would eek out a quiet existence in the wild. However, quite the opposite appears to be true and in the intervening 47 years, Big Cat sightings have grown, year on year.
The following encounter was reported by an RAF engineer who encountered a Big Cat in the Autumn of 2021, and is presented verbatim in the witnesses own words:
"Me and my wife had spent a day up in Beadnell, Northumberland visiting family.
At around 9pm we set off back home in our car. I was driving. It took about twenty minutes in the car from Beadnell along winding roads to finally intersect the A1 southbound. Turning on to the A1, the journey would take about 1 hour to reach Blyth our home.
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Blyth Road (A1) Southbound ©Copyright David Dixon and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence. |
About 5 minutes later, the road narrowed down to a single carriageway and I was driving at the speed limit (60mph) with my head lights on.
Out the corner of my peripheral vision I spotted an animal crossing from left to right. I didn’t have time to brake, it was so quick, but what I saw was something out of the ordinary; a creature large and black.
Even my headlights didn’t pick up any detail of the animal, it was a pure black silhouette of a very large cat. It was too big to be a domestic cat!
I’ve been to Africa and have seen big cats in the wild up close, like cheetahs and leopards, and this thing was of comparable size and the way it moved reminded me of these animals.
Unfortunately, my wife was asleep and cannot recall this incident. But I’m clear in my mind that what I so on that night was something out of the ordinary and pretty strange.
Karl Mercer."
There are countless other witnesses, who like Karl, were wholly unaware of this phenomena and are now left with the unsettling awareness that a population of predatory big cats is now resident in the UK.
Moreover, this widespread population (the numbers of which are unknown) is homegrown and could even be in its 4th or 5th generation - making these big cats as much a part of the local fauna as other established non-native species, such as the grey squirrel and Canada goose.
Written by Andy McGrath
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Read more about Alien Big Cats in my book: Beasts of Britain.